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Executive Director joins elite group of Australian health professionals .

Congratulations to the Kolling’s Executive Director Professor Carolyn Sue, elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences for her outstanding contribution to health and medical research in Australia. Professor Sue is part of a distinguished group recognised for their personal achievement, outstanding leadership and continuing involvement in health and medicine-relate.....
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Category: Awards, Research Excellence

Kolling researchers join global search for new insights into Parkinson’s disease.

Kolling Institute researchers will help drive an exciting international project to identify the genetic links to Parkinson’s disease and new ways to treat the debilitating disorder. The program will bring together leading researchers from Sweden, the United States and Australia after a $12.5 million grant from the Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s initiative, which will be administered by the Mic.....
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Category: Funding support

Research identifies health impact of traffic accidents.

More than 40 per cent of people injured in a traffic accident are psychologically distressed one month after their accident, with many of those suffering depression and post-traumatic stress symptoms. The research forms part of the latest findings into the physical and emotional impact of motor vehicle crash injuries by the team from the John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research. From left to r.....
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Category: Research Excellence