Bridging Medical Research and Health

The Kolling Research Strategy 2021-2025 will strengthen our ability to achieve ground breaking research, while delivering new opportunities and greater assistance to our teams.

The research strategy will focus on areas of strength, drawing upon the expertise and resources of the University of Sydney and the Northern Sydney Local Health District, and positioning the institute as a centre of translational research excellence.

Researchers will be supported to translate scientific discoveries into positive outcomes for clinical practice and community health.

Priority Research Areas

Musculoskeletal – Neuroscience and Pain – Cardiovascular and Renal 

These areas of research investigate some of the biggest health challenges of our time. Collectively, they cost the community billions of dollars a year in health, personal and economic costs.

There is tremendous expertise across these disciplines within the Kolling. Our research teams are well respected, with unique skills and knowledge, strong industry links and a track record of success.

They are well placed to strengthen their international, government and industry collaborations, and increase the impact of their research.

Research Enablers

A key component of the Kolling Institute’s Research Strategy is the provision of four Kolling research enablers. These will provide research teams with new opportunities, modern platforms and infrastructure, increasing competitiveness, career development and core facility support.

Events, News and Seminars

Valuable new funds support game-changing cancer research

Valuable new funds support game-changing cancer research

Our ground-breaking leukaemia research at the Kolling Institute has received an important boost with..... Read more

Category: Funding support, Research Excellence

Researchers develop urine test based on kidney cell colour and AI to diagnose chronic kidney disease

Researchers develop urine test based on kidney cell colour and AI to diagnose chronic kidney disease

We may soon have a convenient and painless approach to diagnose chronic kidney disease following res..... Read more

Category: Cardiovascular and Renal Research, Research Excellence

Innovative musculoskeletal program heads to the bush

Innovative musculoskeletal program heads to the bush

In a sign of the strength of the Kolling Institute’s research and clinical capabilities, Professor T..... Read more

Category: Funding support, Musculoskeletal Research, Neuroscience and Pain Research, New Treatment