Academic Director's Message

It is an exciting time for research in Australia and I’m thrilled to promote the excellent work we are doing here and beyond the Kolling Institute. We have a large team of dedicated clinicians and researchers, all working to help our community live longer, healthier lives.

With an ageing population, our nation is facing some unprecedented health challenges. In response, we are driving scientific breakthroughs to pursue long-term wellbeing, combat disadvantage and create opportunity for future generations.

Such breakthroughs centre around innovative medicines and therapies, vaccines and medical technologies which are keeping people healthy, out of hospital, and actively engaged in society for as long as possible.

At the Kolling Institute, we are well placed to make discoveries and pioneer new assessments, which are informing treatments and models of care. We have a large group of internationally respected researchers who are eager to achieve tangible results.

Our research covers a broad range of areas from cancer, kidney and heart disease to genetics, rehabilitation, pain management and musculoskeletal disorders. In all, hundreds of researchers are working to help assess, diagnose, prevent and treat disease, and they’re all driven by a commitment to improve the care our local, national and international community members receive.

The Kolling Institute is located alongside Royal North Shore Hospital, one of Sydney’s largest tertiary hospitals. Our teams work within the hospital, with extensive access to patient groups and state of the art facilities. This means we are in a strong position to translate our research into healthcare, to directly incorporate our scientific discoveries into clinical practice, and improve the lives of those living with disease.

Our success relies on the strength of our partnerships and we will continue to foster our valuable relationships with the University of Sydney, Northern Sydney Local Health District, government and industry. Generous support from philanthropic partners and the wider community will continue to play a vital role in the work we undertake and the results we are able to produce.

I’m very optimistic about the future of healthcare research in Australia and the potential for fundamental improvements to the care we provide. We have a tremendously talented group of early- to-mid career researchers embracing innovation, and supported by strong investment, high-quality, modern facilities and mentors who are recognised as world-renowned experts in their respective fields. 

I hope, that as you click through our website, it will give you a better understanding of the life-changing work our impressive team is undertaking.

Professor James Elliott
Kolling Institute Academic Director

Events, News and Seminars

Valuable new funds support game-changing cancer research

Valuable new funds support game-changing cancer research

Our ground-breaking leukaemia research at the Kolling Institute has received an important boost with..... Read more

Category: Funding support, Research Excellence

Researchers develop urine test based on kidney cell colour and AI to diagnose chronic kidney disease

Researchers develop urine test based on kidney cell colour and AI to diagnose chronic kidney disease

We may soon have a convenient and painless approach to diagnose chronic kidney disease following res..... Read more

Category: Cardiovascular and Renal Research, Research Excellence

Innovative musculoskeletal program heads to the bush

Innovative musculoskeletal program heads to the bush

In a sign of the strength of the Kolling Institute’s research and clinical capabilities, Professor T..... Read more

Category: Funding support, Musculoskeletal Research, Neuroscience and Pain Research, New Treatment