Women in Research

We know that fewer women than men progress to senior scientific or leadership positions. Women are also less likely to apply for senior research fellowships and more likely to leave their research careers altogether. While nearly 50 per cent of academics in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine) in Australia are women, that rate falls to only one in five at the highest academic levels.

The Kolling Institute is committed to providing a work environment that offers equal opportunities to everyone. We have programs for early career and clinician researchers, and we encourage more women in senior leadership roles.

As part of our commitment, the Kolling Institute has partnered with the Franklin Women’s mentorship program. We are one of four research institutes driving the Franklin Women’s initiative across NSW. This means there is more support for women in the early stages of their careers, and a greater focus on developing our future leaders within the Kolling. Our ultimate goal is to provide a workplace with diversity, different perspectives and innovative pathways.

Events, News and Seminars

Valuable new funds support game-changing cancer research

Valuable new funds support game-changing cancer research

Our ground-breaking leukaemia research at the Kolling Institute has received an important boost with..... Read more

Category: Funding support, Research Excellence

Researchers develop urine test based on kidney cell colour and AI to diagnose chronic kidney disease

Researchers develop urine test based on kidney cell colour and AI to diagnose chronic kidney disease

We may soon have a convenient and painless approach to diagnose chronic kidney disease following res..... Read more

Category: Cardiovascular and Renal Research, Research Excellence

Innovative musculoskeletal program heads to the bush

Innovative musculoskeletal program heads to the bush

In a sign of the strength of the Kolling Institute’s research and clinical capabilities, Professor T..... Read more

Category: Funding support, Musculoskeletal Research, Neuroscience and Pain Research, New Treatment