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New Treatment

Innovative musculoskeletal program heads to the bush.

In a sign of the strength of the Kolling Institute’s research and clinical capabilities, Professor Trudy Rebbeck has been awarded a $2.5 million grant to offer a musculoskeletal care program in rural and remote parts of Australia. As a Professor of Allied Health and a physiotherapist, Trudy will lead the collaborative project involving University of Sydney, NSLHD and Kolling Institute researchers M.....
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Category: Funding support, Musculoskeletal Research, Neuroscience and Pain Research, New Treatment

Kolling Institute researchers instrumental in Australian first guidelines .

It has taken three years and many hours of careful work, but two researchers from the John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research have developed the first clinical practice guidelines for physiotherapists to inform the care of people with life-changing spinal cord injuries. Physiotherapy is a key part of rehabilitation for people with a spinal cord injury, but until now, there has been no nationa.....
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Category: Neuroscience and Pain Research, New Treatment, Research Excellence

Digital technology to support those with long-standing pain.

Researchers based at the Kolling Institute have launched a clinical trial using digital health technology to help those with chronic pain reduce their use of opioids. Chief investigator and leading pain specialist at Royal North Shore Hospital Professor Paul Glare said many people with chronic pain are using opioid medications long-term, but research shows that in many cases, these medications are .....
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Category: Neuroscience and Pain Research, New Treatment

Combined digital interventions improve recovery following knee replacement surgery.

For the thousands of people who undergo a total knee replacement each year, a new technological approach may hold the key to a better recovery following surgery. Researchers from the Kolling Institute conducted a randomized clinical trial, investigating whether a digital technology package delivered remotely was effective in reducing pain and improving mobility after a knee replacement. Dr Vicky Du.....
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Category: Musculoskeletal Research, New Treatment, Research Excellence

Kolling researchers leading the fight against diabetes.

With a concerning rise in the number of people developing Type 2 diabetes, our researchers at the Kolling Institute are offering hope and an effective way forward to reduce the impact of the serious disease. Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing chronic disease in the world, and if the current trend continues, it’s anticipated close to three million Australians will have the disease by 2025. It of.....
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Category: Cardiovascular and Renal Research, New Treatment, Research Excellence

Technology delivering support to those with back pain anywhere, any time.

With the number of people living with low back pain escalating sharply, researchers are turning to widely-accessible technology to reduce the impact of the disabling condition. The team from the University of Sydney and the Kolling Institute has launched a study measuring the effectiveness of a mobile health program which offers self-management strategies via text messages. Study lead Professor Man.....
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Category: Musculoskeletal Research, New Treatment, Research Excellence

Australian researchers uniquely positioned to support upcoming space missions.

The expertise across Australia’s space medicine community was showcased during a special event co-ordinated by the Kolling Institute and the Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine. Staged over two days, the colloquium involved national and international experts including representatives from the Australian Space Agency, the CSIRO, Boeing and the Australian Antarctic Program. Presenters discusse.....
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Category: New Treatment, Research Excellence

A simple yet smart approach to spinal cord injuries may offer a new way forward.

Researchers based at Royal North Shore Hospital have launched the first study of its kind in the world to support those with a spinal cord injury. The team from the Kolling Institute’s John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research is now seeking recruits for the clinical trial which is investigating the benefits of an approach combining breathing techniques with heart rate feedback. Study lead Prof.....
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Category: New Treatment, Research Excellence

New approach revolutionising ovarian cancer research.

With ovarian cancer continuing to have a devastating outcome for many women, new research at the Kolling Institute is offering hope. The disease has the lowest survival rate of any women’s cancer, with only 48 per cent of women living beyond five years after diagnosis. Ovarian cancer is often diagnosed late because the symptoms are vague, like bloating, nausea, indigestion, excessive tiredness, and.....
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Category: New Treatment, Research Excellence

Philanthropic support helping women with gestational diabetes and their babies.

Generous funding provided through the Douglas and Lola Douglas scholarship is strengthening evidence around the long term impacts on children born to mothers with obesity and gestational diabetes. Endocrinologist and Kolling Institute researcher Dr Tessa Weir has been able to continue her valuable research as a result of being awarded the scholarship. “I am incredibly grateful for the support .....
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Category: Cardiovascular and Renal Research, New Treatment, Research Excellence