Our History

The Kolling Institute has a tremendously rich history. It is the longest-running medical research institute in New South Wales, holding a key role in research activities for 100 years.

Originally named the Institute of Pathological Research of NSW, the organisation was established in a cottage within the grounds of Royal North Shore Hospital in 1920. Biochemist. Doctor W. Wilson Ingram was appointed the institute’s first director in 1928 and remained in that position for almost 50 years.

During his time, he gained a greater understanding of diabetes and opened the first clinic for its treatment in Australia. Doctor W. Wilson Ingram also accompanied Sir Douglas Mawson on two Antarctic expeditions as medical officer and research scientist.

In 1931, a new two-storey building was officially opened and named the Kolling Institute of Medical Research after businessman Charles Kolling. His widow Eva was a strong supporter of the research efforts and made a substantial donation towards the development of the new building.

Today, the Kolling Institute extends beyond the Kolling building which stands tall on the Royal North Shore Hospital campus. It is a centre for world leading research, harnessing the talents of a large group of scientists and fostering relationships with national and international partners.

Events, News and Seminars

Valuable new funds support game-changing cancer research

Valuable new funds support game-changing cancer research

Our ground-breaking leukaemia research at the Kolling Institute has received an important boost with..... Read more

Category: Funding support, Research Excellence

Researchers develop urine test based on kidney cell colour and AI to diagnose chronic kidney disease

Researchers develop urine test based on kidney cell colour and AI to diagnose chronic kidney disease

We may soon have a convenient and painless approach to diagnose chronic kidney disease following res..... Read more

Category: Cardiovascular and Renal Research, Research Excellence

Innovative musculoskeletal program heads to the bush

Innovative musculoskeletal program heads to the bush

In a sign of the strength of the Kolling Institute’s research and clinical capabilities, Professor T..... Read more

Category: Funding support, Musculoskeletal Research, Neuroscience and Pain Research, New Treatment