Collaborate & Network in Research

Collaboration and partnerships are key to enhancing the quality and impact of research.

In line with the Kolling’s new research strategy, we are working to strengthen existing partnerships and establish new collaborations.

The Kolling will continue to build networks with the University of Sydney, other leading academic institutions, national and international collaborators, as well as the Northern Sydney Local Health District, government, industry and the community. It is through these relationships that we are able to improve patient outcomes, develop new diagnostics and offer new treatments.

Our location alongside Royal North Shore Hospital gives our researchers unique access to one of Sydney’s largest tertiary hospitals. This allows us to take the lead in the type of research we do and it gives our teams access to clinicians and patients, and state-of-the-art facilities, including imaging and molecular technologies. 

Collaboration within the Kolling plays a crucial role in new discoveries. Our researchers and clinicians specialise in a wide range of clinical care. By bringing these researchers together, we have produced significant advances in medical care often from quite different fields.

If you would like to find out more or become involved with our research, contact us here.

Events, News and Seminars

Valuable new funds support game-changing cancer research

Valuable new funds support game-changing cancer research

Our ground-breaking leukaemia research at the Kolling Institute has received an important boost with..... Read more

Category: Funding support, Research Excellence

Researchers develop urine test based on kidney cell colour and AI to diagnose chronic kidney disease

Researchers develop urine test based on kidney cell colour and AI to diagnose chronic kidney disease

We may soon have a convenient and painless approach to diagnose chronic kidney disease following res..... Read more

Category: Cardiovascular and Renal Research, Research Excellence

Innovative musculoskeletal program heads to the bush

Innovative musculoskeletal program heads to the bush

In a sign of the strength of the Kolling Institute’s research and clinical capabilities, Professor T..... Read more

Category: Funding support, Musculoskeletal Research, Neuroscience and Pain Research, New Treatment