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World-leading technology

New fellowship to strengthen commercial research opportunities.

Dr Cindy Shu will have a key role in building commercial capabilities at the Kolling after receiving a fellowship from the REDI (Researcher Exchange and Development within Industry) program. The program provides financial support to Australian and international medical technology and pharmaceutical companies to bring the best talent in-house to work on priority medical research projects. Cindy is o.....
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Category: Musculoskeletal Research, Research Excellence, World-leading technology

First Australian imaging technology to deliver research windfall.

An exciting project between the University of Sydney and the Northern Sydney Local Health District will see a $15 million, revolutionary scanner installed at Royal North Shore Hospital, greatly improving patient care and research capabilities. Australia’s first Total Body Positron Emission Tomography (TB-PET) scanner will produce faster and higher quality whole-body PET/CT scans, with less exposur.....
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Category: World-leading technology

New world leading technology to guide future bowel cancer treatment .

Research capabilities within the Kolling Institute have been significantly broadened with new technology to assist the examination of bowel cancer. Representatives from Sydney University, the Kolling and Bowel Cancer Australia attended the official opening of the mass spectrometry core lab – the first of its type on a hospital campus and one of the best analytical facilities in the world. Professo.....
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Category: World-leading technology, New Treatment