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Kolling NEWS.

We’re kicking off the year with plenty of encouraging research news. Read on for details about new funding, fascinating research into the link between heart disease and osteoarthritis and promising work into a new diabetes treatment. We also unveil the winners of our travel awards program, generously backed by philanthropic funding. Click here: Kolling NEWS
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Category: Newsletters, Research Excellence

Kolling researchers to inform best care for those with a spinal cord injury.

The expertise of our rehabilitation researchers at the Kolling Institute has been recognised with a prestigious international competitive grant to investigate the impact length of stay has on rehabilitation outcomes following a spinal cord injury. The National Institute of Health in the US has awarded more than $9 million to the overall project, with more than $750,000 coming to Australia. The five.....
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Category: Funding support, Neuroscience and Pain Research, Research Excellence

Putting science into practice.

Practical ways to implement scientific research was the theme of this year’s John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research Forum.  Around 300 people attended in person and online to hear a full day of presentations. The event was co-organised by Illaria Pozzato and Johnny Bourke, Research Fellows at the rehabilitation centre. Johnny said this year’s event involved getting policymakers, researc.....
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Category: Neuroscience and Pain Research, Research Excellence

First of its kind tool providing support for people with spinal cord injuries.

A valuable digital resource has been launched to help people with spinal cord injuries troubleshoot some of the complex health challenges that can arise after injury. The Spinal Cord Injury Health Maintenance Tool, which includes a website, smartphone app and hardcopy booklets, has been designed to empower people to self-manage their health-related needs and maintain a high quality of life. Launche.....
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Category: Musculoskeletal Research, Neuroscience and Pain Research, Research Excellence

Australian researchers uniquely positioned to support upcoming space missions.

The expertise across Australia’s space medicine community was showcased during a special event co-ordinated by the Kolling Institute and the Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine. Staged over two days, the colloquium involved national and international experts including representatives from the Australian Space Agency, the CSIRO, Boeing and the Australian Antarctic Program. Presenters discusse.....
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Category: New Treatment, Research Excellence

Research questions the value of injectable medications for osteoarthritis.

Our researchers at the Kolling Institute are encouraging those with osteoarthritis to rely on treatments with a proven track record and avoid quick fixes without the data to show they work. The comments follow a steady rise in osteoarthritis cases nationally, with around three million Australians now living with the condition, and many forced to retire early. The rise in cases has coincided with st.....
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Category: Musculoskeletal Research, Research Excellence

Back pain cases to rise sharply.

A new study by researchers at the Kolling Institute estimates more than 800 million people will be living with low back pain by 2050, a 36 percent increase from 2020. The prediction follows an analysis of 30 years of global health data from over 200 countries. Modelling shows the number of back pain cases globally will rise to 843 million people by 2050, while in Australia, it’s expected there will.....
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Category: Musculoskeletal Research

Researchers call for a greater focus on the physical impact of whiplash injuries .

Researchers from the Kolling Institute have led an international study investigating why some people spontaneously recover from whiplash following a motor vehicle collision, while others don’t. Their work has uncovered new evidence indicating it may relate to the health of muscles and stress. More than 140 people were recruited to the longitudinal study, which involved research teams from the Unite.....
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Category: Research Excellence, World-leading technology

A simple yet smart approach to spinal cord injuries may offer a new way forward.

Researchers based at Royal North Shore Hospital have launched the first study of its kind in the world to support those with a spinal cord injury. The team from the Kolling Institute’s John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research is now seeking recruits for the clinical trial which is investigating the benefits of an approach combining breathing techniques with heart rate feedback. Study lead Prof.....
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Category: New Treatment, Research Excellence

Recognition of our impact on the world stage.

Kolling Institute Governance Committee Chair Michael Nugent said it is encouraging to see more than a dozen researchers from the Kolling have been profiled in an international study recognising the world’s best. Published by Stanford University, the study has identified the top two per cent of researchers in the world across individual fields. The study is based on metrics from Scopus, a database o.....
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Category: Research Excellence