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The latest update from the Kolling.

Here's a snapshot of our latest research at the Kolling Institute and the impact it's having across the community, from new national guidelines for physios helping those with life-changing spinal cord injuries to a new approach for those with debilitating chronic pain. There's a focus too on our researchers reducing the physical toll of spaceflight and the latest care for osteoarthritis.  Flip.....
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Category: Newsletters

Kolling NEWS.

We’re kicking off the year with plenty of encouraging research news. Read on for details about new funding, fascinating research into the link between heart disease and osteoarthritis and promising work into a new diabetes treatment. We also unveil the winners of our travel awards program, generously backed by philanthropic funding. Click here: Kolling NEWS
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Category: Newsletters, Research Excellence

Kolling Institute NEWS.

The latest Kolling Institute NEWS is out ... providing a snapshot of the wonderful research activity across our institute from our work into heart disease, pain, diabetes, cancer and musculoskeletal conditions. Check it out.
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Category: Newsletters, Research Excellence

Kolling NEWS.

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Category: Newsletters

In the beginning - 100 years ago.

Catherine Storey - Honorary Archivist, Royal North Shore Hospital One hundred years ago, in 1920, a group of distinguished citizens of NSW devised "a scheme of the utmost importance to NSW, and to the Commonwealth." The world had just emerged from World War 1 and the Spanish flu pandemic of 1919, with a massive loss of life. Research into the common diseases of mankind was seen as a means to r.....
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Category: Newsletters


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Category: Newsletters