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Musculoskeletal Research

Most people with knee pain receive low-value, inappropriate care.

With knee pain affecting a large share of the community, our researchers at the Kolling Institute are calling for clinicians and GPs to avoid delays in adopting the most up to date, evidenced-based guidelines. Investigators from the Kolling’s Osteoarthritis Research Team report that knee pain is particularly disabling, accounting for five per cent of all visits to a GP. The most common causes of pa.....
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Category: Musculoskeletal Research, Research Excellence

Combined digital interventions improve recovery following knee replacement surgery.

For the thousands of people who undergo a total knee replacement each year, a new technological approach may hold the key to a better recovery following surgery. Researchers from the Kolling Institute conducted a randomized clinical trial, investigating whether a digital technology package delivered remotely was effective in reducing pain and improving mobility after a knee replacement. Dr Vicky Du.....
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Category: Musculoskeletal Research, New Treatment, Research Excellence

Researchers offer the latest evidence around supplements for osteoarthritis.

With a large number of people relying on supplements to reduce their osteoarthritis pain, our researchers at the Kolling Institute have conducted a much-needed review of the most popular ones. The condition is impacting an increasing number of people, with many experiencing joint pain and functional impairment due to the disabling disease. Sadly, there is a lack of effective drugs to treat the cond.....
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Category: Musculoskeletal Research, Research Excellence

First of its kind tool providing support for people with spinal cord injuries.

A valuable digital resource has been launched to help people with spinal cord injuries troubleshoot some of the complex health challenges that can arise after injury. The Spinal Cord Injury Health Maintenance Tool, which includes a website, smartphone app and hardcopy booklets, has been designed to empower people to self-manage their health-related needs and maintain a high quality of life. Launche.....
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Category: Musculoskeletal Research, Neuroscience and Pain Research, Research Excellence

New research to determine best practice for knee osteoarthritis.

Our researchers at the Kolling Institute are set to influence the delivery of osteoarthritis care across Australia following a significant funding announcement. More than $1.4 million has been awarded to internationally recognised rheumatologist and researcher Professor David Hunter as part of the NHMRC Partnership Project Grants Scheme. The scheme is designed to help researchers work directly with.....
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Category: Musculoskeletal Research, Research Excellence

Technology delivering support to those with back pain anywhere, any time.

With the number of people living with low back pain escalating sharply, researchers are turning to widely-accessible technology to reduce the impact of the disabling condition. The team from the University of Sydney and the Kolling Institute has launched a study measuring the effectiveness of a mobile health program which offers self-management strategies via text messages. Study lead Professor Man.....
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Category: Musculoskeletal Research, New Treatment, Research Excellence

Kolling Institute Year in Review 2022 .

Check out our Kolling Institute Year in Review 2022 celebrating our research success. It highlights our world-leading translational research and our impact across our priority research areas. Click on the link here.
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Category: Cardiovascular and Renal Research, Musculoskeletal Research, Neuroscience and Pain Research

Research questions the value of injectable medications for osteoarthritis.

Our researchers at the Kolling Institute are encouraging those with osteoarthritis to rely on treatments with a proven track record and avoid quick fixes without the data to show they work. The comments follow a steady rise in osteoarthritis cases nationally, with around three million Australians now living with the condition, and many forced to retire early. The rise in cases has coincided with st.....
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Category: Musculoskeletal Research, Research Excellence

Back pain cases to rise sharply.

A new study by researchers at the Kolling Institute estimates more than 800 million people will be living with low back pain by 2050, a 36 percent increase from 2020. The prediction follows an analysis of 30 years of global health data from over 200 countries. Modelling shows the number of back pain cases globally will rise to 843 million people by 2050, while in Australia, it’s expected there will.....
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Category: Musculoskeletal Research

Global recognition for one of our musculoskeletal researchers.

In a sign of the international impact of our research at the Kolling Institute, a prestigious award has been presented to Professor Chris Little during the World Congress on Osteoarthritis in Denver, Colorado. More than 700 researchers and clinicians attended the event where Professor Little was presented with the 2023 Basic Science Research Award by the Osteoarthritis Research Society Internationa.....
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Category: Awards, Musculoskeletal Research, Research Excellence