Cardiac Membrane Biology Laboratory

The Cardiac Membrane Biology Laboratory aims to improve the lives of people suffering cardiac related health issues.

Our research focuses on one of the body’s most crucial molecules – a molecule which is vital for the contraction of heart cells and therefore the pumping of the heart. As we develop a better understanding of this molecule through laboratory-based experiments, we explore treatments for heart failure, irregular heartbeat and heart damage following cancer treatment.

Our laboratory-based research has led to the discovery of a new potential treatment for heart failure. We are about to begin a clinical trial of this approach with our collaborators based in Denmark.

Helge HeadshotProf Helge Rasmussen.

Chair of Cardiology
Medicine, Northern Clinical School

Elisha-Hamilton Dr Elisha Hamilton, PhD

Laboratory Manager
Medicine, Northern Clinical School

Dr Chia-Chi Liu

Honorary Senior Research Fellow

Bei Xu – Research Assistant 

Lilyan Zhu - Research Placement Student


This project will investigate a new drug combination therapy that has potential benefits in cancer treatment induced heart failure by targeting the sodium/potassium pump function.


This project will investigate a drug combination therapy that has potential benefits in heart failure treatment by targeting the sodium/potassium pump function.

Events, News and Seminars

Tapping into our expertise to solve an escalating health challenge

Tapping into our expertise to solve an escalating health challenge

A culture of collaboration is a key part of the Kolling Institute’s research impact, and just one ex..... Read more

Category: Research Excellence

The latest update from the Kolling

The latest update from the Kolling

Here's a snapshot of our latest research at the Kolling Institute and the impact it's having across ..... Read more

Category: Newsletters

Running for game-changing research

Running for game-changing research

Less than two years after a breast cancer diagnosis, Professor Gemma Figtree has completed the prest..... Read more

Category: Cardiovascular and Renal Research, Funding support, Research Excellence